Sunday, December 21, 2008

It's the Energizer Bunny of snowstorms...

It just keeps snowing and snowing...and snowing...and snowing.

So it's been snowing here in the Pacific Northwest. For the past WEEK. Seriously. It is an awe-inspiring wonder to behold. As long as you don't want to get out. Ever. At least it was kind enough to wait until after Grace's debut Nutcracker performance. She's been eagerly anticipating that big day for years now.

Four years ago she started ballet in Texas at a studio that had an annual Nutcracker production. But you had to be 5 years old to of the end of August. Grace's birthday is Sept. 9th, so she was not old enough to audition her first 2 years of dance. Then we moved. The dance studio in Bellevue did not have a Nutcracker performance. Then Grace decided to take a year off from dance. So when she was ready to start ballet & tap again this fall, her one request was to find a studio that had The Nutcracker. Luckily the one closest to us fit the bill. She auditioned and was chosen to be one of the girls in the party scene. And she was positively breathtaking in her dress, if I do say so myself.

Reluctantly posing for me backstage during dress rehearsal.

Two performances were scheduled for last Saturday (Dec. 13th). Snow was also predicted to begin on the same day. The plan was for me to take her to the morning dress rehearsal; Matthew, Emma & I would attend the 3:00 show; then I would fly solo at the 7:00 show. Please bear in mind that I'm from Texas. Let's review:


When Grace & I left the theater at Redmond HS after the Saturday evening show, it had just started to snow...and STICK. Huge, fluffy flakes the entire drive home. We sang along to Christmas carols. It was simply beautiful. Peaceful. And I felt so empowered.

Grace & Emma after the 3:00 performance.

The next day we had enough snow for the girls to get all bundled-up in their newly acquired snow bibs and go outside to play.

The snow stuck around until Wednesday afternoon, when we had a slight thawing & melting. But it didn't last. Thursday brought on "round 2" of the December storm.

Our snow-covered cars in the driveway.

Chloe mid-run.

Bliss staying warm in her stylish new sweater.

Emma snowplowing the slide.

Friday we had beautiful sunny skies...and frigidly cold temperatures. No melting here.

Trees by our house.

Grace on our makeshift sled...a garbage can lid.

Guess what we had on Saturday? Yep. More snow. But this time we went driving in it. Because I was beginning to get stir crazy. (Note: And by "we" went driving I, of course, mean that Matthew actually drove. I just took pictures.)

Icy Avondale Rd.

An appropriately place "Watch for Ice" sign.

Our street.

The small incline before you reach our house.

It's now Sunday & the forecast was for the snow to taper off today. Guess what? It's STILL SNOWING. We have about 1 ft. of accumulated snow. Guess it's time for a nice hot cuppa coffee.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Wishing y'all a safe and {not too} scary Halloween!

P.S. The giant spider is just for you, Uncle Keith...

Sunday, October 26, 2008

My baby is FOUR!!!!

Once again, time marches on faster than it should. Today is Emma's fourth birthday! Here's a look at how much she's grown the past 4 years.

As a sleeping newborn...just a few hours old.

As a cuddly 3 month old.

As a sweet 7 1/2 month old.

As a playful 1 year old.

Becoming an independent 2 year old.

As a world traveler...cruisin' in the Caribbean.

As a personality-filled 3 year old.

And in just a few hours we will be celebrating her 4th birthday in true preschooler Chuck E. Cheese. I'll add pics of the bday girl after the big event.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I love you, Em Gem.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

How did she get to be EIGHT?!?!?

Seriously. Where have these past 8 years gone?


Here's a little peek back through the years...

I love you, Scooter Magoo!

Friday, August 01, 2008

Fresh new summer 'do

After seeing how awesome Harry looked after his lion cut the past two years, we decided to have "The Cat Whisperer" come to our house to give Emmie a stylish, fresh summer hairstyle (a.k.a., the teddy bear trim). Here's how she turned out:

Since her usual nickname of "Miss Fluffy Pants" isn't really applicable for a bit, we've temporarily re-dubbed her "Velvet Pants."